Foteini Koliavasili
Intuitive Healing Training Module 1&2, Western Australia, 2018
Thai massage course, basic and advanced (120h), Thailand, Chiang Mai, 2015
Reiki level 1, Greece, Athens, 2013
Through a series of strange coincidences and choices in my life, I made a big break from my conventional live and stable Engineering job, to explore places far from home and get to know myself deeper.
While travelling I had the opportunity to work in many different massage salons and develop my own style of Deep Tissue Massage.
Many times while touching and connecting with the body of the client in front of me, I had spontaneous feelings and an inner knowing of what was happening emotionally and energetically for them.
During that time among others, I came more in contact with Shamanic journey drum meditations and other Shamanic practices. I started getting more in touch with the feelings and insights I had during massage sessions and learned how to listen to my intuition, to help people with emotions that were stuck in their body.
Now, again in a very strange way, life brought me at this time to this place to offer and
practise what I feel is part of my soul's purpose.