Mother's Personalised 1:1 Ceremony
Journey within with a Master Plant to learn how to be your own healer.
Session Info
In my ceremony you will find yourself in a safe, loving, compassionate container where I guide you to journey within with a Master Plant to learn how to be your own healer, connect to your intuition, develop self trust and a greater understanding of yourself. In this ceremony I share with you a set of different tools, practices and plant allies that I have accumulated throughout my healing journey. The ceremony can include any of my services bellow: -Body work and Energy healing -Inner Guided Journey -Soul Regression -Shamanic Journey through the Heart -Rapéh Ceremony -Mapacho Cleansing Ceremony -Cacao Ceremony -Tea Ceremony with your plant ally After a questionnaire and my intuition I will tailor a ceremony according to your personal circumstances, needs and requests. Available for booking every first Wednesday of the month.

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, contact us at least 24 hours in advance.