Rapéh/Mapacho Cleansing Ceremony
Journey within with the Master Plant of tobacco to learn how to be your own healer.
Session Info
What is Rapéh? Hapé (pronounced 'Ha-pay') also known as Rapéh ('Ra-peh') is a sacred Master Plant Teacher used and known by Indigenous Shamans as a powerful and profound healing medicine. The main ingredient in Rapéh is Nicotiana rustica - also known as Mapacho found in South America. There are many different blends, usually mixed with other medicinal plants. Rapéh is made and prepared in a ritualistic ceremonial way by shamans in Southern America, each with their own unique recipe, intention, energy, techniques and songs (Icaros) that are sung during the Rapéh rituals. To name a few of the tribes that traditionally use and prepare Rapéh: Yawanawa, Nukini, Kuntanawa, Katukina, Ashaninka and Matses. Therefore, Rapéh and Mapacho are not the same as the Tobacco we find and use here in the Western world. For thousands of years Rapéh/Mapacho has been an integral part of South America’s culture, used in ritual, ceremony and prayer. The process of receiving Rapéh and the effects: Rapéh is administered through blowing in both nostrils with a traditional shamanic Tepi pipe (pronounced Teh-pee). The intention helps focus you and acts as an anchor throughout the experience. In this space of alignment comes sharp focus and clarity. Rapéh detoxifies and cleanses your body from toxins that are stored at that moment in time. The process starts very instantly, for the first 5-10 minutes you will have your release and cleanse. This could come in many different forms, saliva (most common), crying, shaking, yawning, purging (least common). Although this may seem daunting and is the uncomfortable part of the experience, it is an integral part of the spiritual and physical cleansing process. By purging deep-seated toxins, you come out of the other side feeling calmer, more focused, and in alignment with your true self. It is truly magical and shows just how powerful he is as a Master Plant. Benefits of Rapéh: -Detoxifies mind body and spirit, and clears all bad energies -Brings you into alignment and coherence with your truest self -Sharpens the mind and brings clarity and focus (great before mediation) -Clears sinuses of mucus and bacteria, therefore helps to fight off colds -Creates an extremely grounding and calming effect after the detox process Preparation of 1-3 days is necessary for the body and mind. Please allow at least 4 days from the time of booking to the session date for me to forward you the necessary preparation information. Hapè is not a psychedelic.

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, contact us at least 24 hours in advance.