Tarot Reading Session
Let the cards help you take control of your life and write an empowering story
Session Info
Tarot is a 78 card system that helps you tap into the unseen realm as well as the subconscious to uncover what is or isn’t serving you and gives you a clear pathway in how to take the driver’s seat in your own life. My view on the cards is that "the cards tell a story, but YOU write the ending." In this unique 60-minute 1:1 we get clear on the current patterns and energies in your life that create a certain outcome. We then work together to carry on a certain path to create the highest possible result or the cards give us a clear strategy on how we can make new empowering choices to shift our circumstances. Sessions are available ONLINE or IN-PERSON. Please Note: Based on my own Tarot ethics, I do not use the cards as a concrete prediction tool. While the cards do sometimes show me information about the future - nothing is 100% certain because I believe YOU are the author of your own story. Tarot captures a moment in time, but most importantly we gift you the tools to write your own narrative. While I know you might be curious about whether you’ll find the love of your life or whether you’ll make lots of money - part of the work that I do is to help you learn about who you are and what you have come here to this planet to learn. This means sessions will be the most productive for you by making sure you ask empowering questions. Some examples might be: what do I need to do or learn to find my next partner? Where or what in my life can I work with to create the most abundance/prosperity? We can additionally structure your question at the beginning of the session.

Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule, contact us at least 24 hours in advance.